Director: Heather Rae
Awards? None that I know of
Cast: Robert Redford; Kris Kristofferson; Bonnie Raitt; Jackson Brown; John Trudell; Wilma Mankiller
sez says: If you know noting of the AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT --aks AIM --you might find this really interesting, The backdrop to this man's story is the history of that movement: It is something we should all know about. And Trudell is an interesting man. He has led a life of commitment to making the world a more fair and equitable place for all. He speaks loudly and clearly about the contradiction that we all live with--and we can never be reminded enough of that. He has many admirable qualities. He has also suffered great loss and tragedy--which is told about in this film. But here is my gripe. Once the tragedy is told -- the documentary wants to lift him into a god-like status and super poet. That is a shame. It is quite enough that he survived and continues to engage the world with a passion to be heard. That is an accomplishment and it is a worthy story on its own--and it seems more respectful to me than making a pedestal for him stand on. People can be pushed off pedestals--and if what he is supposed to be remember for is his poetry--well ,I think he will be forgotten. What we need to remember him for is his passion, his commitment his accomplishments in the name of justice and that should have remained the focus of the documentary. Grade C
15 years ago
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